Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Magazine Publication

Work in groups of three. READ ALL instructions very carefully before beginning.

Create an Magazine consisting of at least seven pages. The topic must be appropriate. Examples include hunting, fashion, academics, homemaking, etc...

Create example from BLANK template on Publisher
Example cover...

Create At least THREE articles using NEWSLETTER template on Publisher. You may use as many articles as you wish to create at least FIVE pages of content.

Create at least one FULL Page advertisement for the back cover using.

Lets review...
1 cover page
5 pages of articles including pictures and captions (three for groups of two people)
1 back cover advertisement.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Paul and the Teacher

Displaying Paul&Teacher.jpg

From Doug Campbell's The Deliverance of God

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Typing Speed Evaluation

1) Log into computers
2) Run a google search for typing speed test
3) Take five test. Make sure to record your scores after each test.
4) Type your five scores into a word document. Use creativity to make your word attractive (colorful text, bullet points, different fonts, etc). Make sure to type your name and period somewhere in the word doc.
5) Calculate the average of your score and enter it in pt. 16-22 font in bold and underlined
6) Save the document- Make certain to save the document as your name- #1 (exmaple- John Doe #1)
7) Email it to me-
    Make sure to include your name, class period, and assignment number in the subject field.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Welcome to the Blog!

All assignments will be posted to this blog for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Google Forms Lesson

Create a Survey Using Google Forms.

Your Survey must include 10-15 questions.

You must share your survey with at least three other people.

Complete at least three other surveys.

Chart the stats of your survey with the spreadsheet chart.